18–19 Oct 2025 249 days to go! #SnowShow

Palmer Parish

Palmer started skiing at 3 and got into freestyle at 5 years old. He was invited to join the sponsored rider team at The Snow Centre by 7 years old.

He has always loved watching freestyle and wanted to learn new and better tricks, getting inspired by the older kids he skied with at different slopes.

Palmer started competing at 8 years old, travelling round the country. He won Welsh, Scottish and British U12 titles at only 9. At the last British Freestyle Championships in Laax he won gold in U12 Big Air and Slopestyle with huge tricks for his age, so he is the current U12 British Mountain champion. He was the youngest person to be invited to join the Snowsport England Freestyle Academy at 8.

Palmer is now in the team at Snozone in MK and trains weekly with friends, as well as trampolining to practise tricks.  His favourite tricks are cork 7s and misty 7s and he’s working on double fronts and double cork 1080.

Anytime Palmer can get to the mountains, he will and loves meeting new friends to shred with.

Palmer is currently sponsored by:

Line Skis, Ellis Brigham, Snozone, Full Tilt, Black Peak Trading, Flexicover Insurance, AfterJam, SunGod among others

He’s looking forward to joining the World Rookie Tour in 2021!