18–19 Oct 2025 220 days to go! #SnowShow

Dr Wenona Barnieh

Wenona is co-founder of Mount Noire, a startup travel company which encourages black ethnic minorities to ski and snowboard. Their services include planning group trips, hosting social events and promoting diversity and inclusion in snow sports.

Wenona’s ski journey started in 2014; she learnt to ski on dry and indoor slopes in the UK. She loved it but at the time didn’t have anyone who shared the same passion she and hadn’t embraced solo travelling yet. Since finding like-minded adventurous girls, she has been to the French Alps and Slovakia.

She’s comfortable making way down a blue or red slopes on a good day. She loves the time you get reflect as you take in the beautiful scenery on your way down. It’s also a great leg work out!

What she loves about ski trips is that there’s also a sense of community, everyone you meet is in a great mood and of course Après ski is always eventful.