18–19 Oct 2025 219 days to go! #SnowShow

Warren Smith Ski Technique Lab

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The Technique Lab was set up by Warren Smith Ski Academy as a way skiers can train specific movements, ranges and muscles when not skiing and in a non-ski environment.

This is something that can be used all year round and is not reliant on snow or artificial ski slopes. By using these simple tests and exercises you can help maximise your body’s potential when you next get back on snow. You’ll also learn your physiological strengths and weaknesses which will empower you when you next get out on the snow and help when buying new ski equipment. Head to stand F11 for the Ski Technique Lab.

Main benefits


Begin to understand what your body is and isn’t capable of. Where you need to focus your attention for physiological development. How these movement patterns and ranges affect your performance and ability when skiing.

Mobility & Flexibility

Learn to mobilise your body and improve your flexibility in certain ranges that are very specific to skiing. When you have to do so on snow the movement will be easier to find and develop.

Strength & Stability

Develop strength and stability in some key areas of your body that are essential for effective, accurate, skilful skiing. Understand which muscle groups are essential for skiing. Greatly reduce the risk of injury.

Equipment Knowledge

Learn how your ski equipment can aid or hinder your body’s functional ability to move when skiing. This knowledge will help when choosing and buying new ski equipment and discussing your needs with professionals.

These programs will give attendees education on how the 3 Way Lineage (combination of Ski Technique, Ski Biomechanics and Ski Equipment Precision) works for ski instructors and coaches, as well as individual skiers trying to improve by themselves. Everyone will get a chance to be assessed in the Ski Technique Lab’s 6 Way Foundation’ tests (explained below) and shown how to improve scores focusing on Functional Mobility, Stability and Strength Drills. You’ll be left with enough data and knowledge to build your own technique development program off snow and dramatically change your skiing before the winter season starts.


  1. LEG FLEX PATTERN TEST: By taking a measurement of how far each person’s ankle allows them to flex, we can tell early on if the simple mechanics of the sport will work or not. The ideal test range for safe skiing is between 10 and 15cm with equal range on the right and left ankle. Many skiers taking the test don’t meet the range needed and also show a difference between left and right.
  2.  SKIER SYMMETRY TEST: Symmetry describes how skiers manage their width of stance from the feet up to their hips and maintain a consistently symmetrical position. To test this range, we use our simple 10 second test where attendees try to pull their feet together on a slippery surface in a slow controlled movement without their knees dropping in. A weakness in this range is usually evident with most skiers and training is needed to get to the 10 second goal.
  3. LEG STEERING RANGE TEST: This describes the ability to inwardly rotate the outside leg of a ski turn. So, if you are turning left, it would be your inward rotation of the right leg which is measured, showing how effectively the ball is rotating inside the socket joint of the hip. Most people show a difference between left and right and many people show blockages on one side that directly effects their turns in one direction
  4. LEG FLEXION + EXTENSION TEST: Learning the correct action and understanding how to activate the outside leg is essential to achieving edge grip and pressure during your turns. Most people don’t ski with the available range they have and also have a difference between left and right. This test highlights this and shows how to develop quality in stability and mobility.
  5. BODY ANGULATION TEST (LEG LEAN): Learning how to move laterally and create angles in the body is a key factor in skiing and a movement range that many people struggle with, especially on one side of the body. This test identifies your limitation and also difference between left and right. It also gives you a chance to learn to move in this axis in a controlled manner with your hips in the best position for your individual physiology.
  6. CORE STABILITY TEST: Creating awareness of core strength and how to keep it activated whilst skiing helps deal with the pressure that skiing puts through the middle of your body. You’ll be tested on a LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH core stability rating based on how you perform on the test. Exercises are covered on how to develop this area.