18–19 Oct 2025 249 days to go! #SnowShow

Solutions 4 Feet

Stand details

London 2025 (D30)

Solutions 4 Feet is the premier location in the south of England for ski boot fitting, our staff specialize in custom fitting of ski boots for all levels of skier with all manner of fitting issues from novice skiers who have suffered injury to Olympic and paralympic Gold medallists. Our workshop is amongst the best equipped in Europe, and can cater for the most extreme ski boot modifications.

At the show we will not be selling boots, we will however be offering a free 15 minute boot check, and where possible we will offer basic boot modifications (do bear in mind we won’t be able to have our full workshop with us) Bring your current boots along and have one of our specialists assess them and give some guidance as to anything that could be done to make them better or give some  recommendations for your next boots. Our stand will be manned by our own fitters and Insole specialists from Superfeet, we will have a Sock offer from Teko Socks available along with Custom Winterport insoles from Superfeet. Pop on to the stand and chat all things ski boot with the people who really only do all things ski boot.

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Accessories Boot Fittings Boots Socks